
My Top 4 DIY Detox Baths

I’ve always been into using natural products to gain better health or beauty benefits. There’s something about knowing the product is 100% natural and has no hidden chemicals. Not to mention the fact you’re skipping to the source that is contained in a lot of beauty products and paying a lot less for it.

Following this sprung my love for Detox Baths! A spa-like experience that relaxes the body whilst rids it of toxins. Toxins that tend to clog up beneath the skin and can be released via sweat (hence why saunas a great health benefit). Everyone tends to treat the outer layer of their skin with endless amounts of beauty products but sometimes the cause of those pesky breakouts and blackheads could be trapped toxins and dirt.
So these are my favorite types of detox baths and why they arebeneficial:
Ginger Bath
Ginger has been known to lower blood pressure, help with pain relief, assist with digestion and also help relieve cold and flu symptoms. This is because ginger is the best spice to promote sweating. By your body releasing sweat you’regetting rid of the toxins your body has been holding onto. If you add half a cup of freshly ground or grated ginger to your bath, the aromas additional to the steamhelp clear the poisons from your body that can create aches and flu like symptoms. The spice from the ginger helps you sweat and after about 20 minutes I guarantee you that you’ll feel so relaxed you won’t want to move. But when you do, for around 30-60 minutes after you get out the bath you will feel really warm as your body will still be releasing those toxins the ginger has drawn out.
Green Tea Bath
I must admit I don’t use these particular tea bags in my bath but had ran out of my usual cheaper bags to photograph! Everyone knows the health benefits of green tea but you don’t just have to drink it to gain the perks. Green tea baths not only help to relaxthe body and mind but are great for nourishing and toning the skin as well as fighting signs of aging and fatique in the body. This type of tea contains large amounts of antioxidants and vitamins such as; polyphenols, theanine and Bvitamins (which also perk up your mood) all that aid in helping to sooth sore muscles, open wounds, rashes, cold sores, and many other illnesses which the body happily soaks up in a thirst quenching manor.  I find these baths super relaxing and my skin feels incredible after , so much so I never find the need for moisturising after a green tea bath. Just pop 8 tea bags or half a cup of loose tea leaves in a sock and leave 10 mins before stepping in the bath.
Coffee Bath
A favourite for all you caffeine addicts…no? Coffee contains high level of caffeine and antioxidant ingredients which is surprisingly more beneficial when used outside the body. A coffee bath is known to improve the flow of cells in the skin, breaks up fatty deposits, clears blemishes, acts as a type of sunblock and exfoliates the outer skin cells. All you need to do is add half a cup of granular coffee to your bath and sit in for around 20 minutes. Just be warned no longer than 20 as I stayed in for 30 minutes and started gaining a headache from the caffeine!
English Tea & Lemon Juice
Everyone knows the trick of getting rid of the accidental orange tan hands is to rub lemon juice on them. This is because the fruit acid acts as bleach to the skin which also brightens the appearance.  Adding lemon juice to an English tea bath is highly beneficial. This type of tea contains amino acid L-theanine which boosts brain’s levels, reduces anxiety and heightens relaxation without adding drowsiness. Whilst the inner layers of your skin are delightfully soaking upthe nutrients and anti-oxidants from the tea, the lemon juice is toning and brightening the outer appearance. I always find lemon juice great for lightening scars or hair dye colours (after dying).
I usually have a detox bath once a week. Green tea &English tea baths I find are great mid-week for a pick me up boost. Whereas ginger or coffee baths I find are best on a Sunday for a detoxification after the weekend’s antics of drinking alcohol.
If you guys try any of these please let me know your opinion as I completely swear by them!
Beki Xo