
Minimum Mouse Jewellery Giveaway

In celebration of my new name change im hosting my first giveaway to win one of two Minimum Mouse jewellery prizes!

Over the past few months I’ve inched away from posting only vintage and have found a new love for posting outfits, beauty, lifestyle and more or less a pick’n’mix of anything i want to throw onto my Blog. There for I figured a name change is in order!
I feel that somehow my old name “Tick Tock Timeless Vintage” was suggestive in that my Blog would be filled with only vintage. But don’t get me wrong whenever I next find myself at a vintage fair or in a new vintage boutique I WILL be blogging about it, but its more of a Lifestyle post in the way that’s its something i love and do at the weekend!

Smock To Frock has been one of those names I’ve had connected to my Blog through social media platforms and its always stuck. So I guess in a way I’ve always had a Blog name ready…if that makes sense.
Anyway to celebrate my name change I’m hosting my FIRST GIVEAWAY with TWO prizes!
And kindly indie fashion, kitsch jewellery and vintage accessories boutique MinimumMouse kindly provided me with goodies! Their online shop is a haven for quirky and unique styles that you wont find on the High-Street but you will also find on Asos Market Place and good old EBay.

1st Prize is a beautiful gold bunting aztec print necklace and a super cute camera ring.
2nd Prize is a Amour silver chain necklace, a long chain quirky robot necklace AND a worn silver cross ring.

Enter Below…Good Luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway