
An Autumnal Themed Pamper Night

I’ve always loved a relaxing dip the tub but now the nights are becoming darker and the temperature drops, hot baths and pamper nights are at the top of my night time agenda this A/W. Every week I’ll try to have some sort of ‘pamper night’ where I will indulge my skin, hair and nails (top to toe) with a luxury a treatment or product. In the warmer months I like my products to smell fruity and fresh so my body feels more awake and invigorated where as in autumn and winter I like more rich, warm and cosy scents.

Which leads me on to my favourite products that create the perfect autumnal pamper night!

I like to spend a long time in the bath during pamper nights and that sometimes includes painting my nails in the tub too! Whilst the bath is running I like to prance around in painting my face with a much needed face mask no but seriously using a foundation brush to apply a face mask makes it that less messy! The Montagne Jeunesse face mask range is a great, easy and affordable face mask that you can pick up in most beauty stores and usually have an offer of 3 for £1. They come in a variety of forms all containing active ingredients. The ‘Melted Hot Chocolate’ face mask smells almost edible and instantly reminds me of Christmas with its chocolate orange scent. It aids in warming the face to open pours and penetrate deeper to hydrate the skin.

Once the bath is ready I’ll pop in a bath bomb or bubble bar and light a seasonal scented candle. The Lush Cinders crackling bath bomb is one of my all-time favourites. It has a spicy scent and contains popping candy that once the bomb begins to fizz in the water sounds like a wood burning fire crackling and hissing as it produces orange/ yellow foam.

Autumn is one of my favourite seasons and Halloween is the infamous holiday surrounding it. Amazingly Yankee candle have even created their own spooky range of holiday scents and having a sweet tooth I picked up the Yankee Candle Candy Corn candle. First off it smells incredible; it isn’t too sickly nor too sweet but has a toffee like rich undertone that has been filling my flat this October. 

A must have products to aid in hydrating the skin whilst in the tub is an exfoliator, whether it be a bar, a cream or a mitt, exfoliating is the best thing for the skin to help it to breath. The Lush Exfoliating Bar is my holy grail as it actually works in removing dead skin cells; it contains ground rice, almonds and beans to really penetrate the skin and even aid in removing that pesky fake tan all whilst leaving is feeling soft from shea butter.

After the bath I’ll throw on a towel robe and pop the kettle on. On cold wintery nights I’ll indulge in a luxury hot chocolate or a marshmallow topped chai latte and some chocolate treats. For some weird reason chai lattes have become like staple autumn drink as every year I same to crave the Indian spiced frothy goodness. After 3 tea spoons of chai latte powder and a large pouring of hot milk I like to relax by watching YouTube videos and catching up on blog posts.

If I haven’t painted my nails in the bath I’ll usually have this time to douse my finger nails in fashion frenzy autumnal shade.

Just before I pop off too bed I’ll smother my skin in a rich moisturiser. Palmers Cocoa Butter is an infamous favourite for many people so when I spotted they have their own gradual tanning moisturiser I snapped it up. Even through winter I like my skin to have a light glow and this stuff does the trick leaving a very subtle bronze glow rather than a deep sunkissed look.

Beki Xo